


Well, well, well, look at me getting my shoe-addiction on! I love these ankle boots styles, I BEEN loving them but the only problem was always the heels, see I'm kinda tall, well not really. I'm almost 5'8, so imagine me in a 5 inch shoe, yeah you get the visual, no thanks! So you can understand my excitement when I saw these, they're in the low heel category( 0 to 1.5 in.). Perfection! Hey, I might even post a picture of me wearing them in my next post ;).

Shoe: Naves from Spring

P.S when shopping DO NOT discriminate!! I shop everywhere! Don't be a snob, especially when it's a great find at a great price. But also, don't be afraid to drop the mullah if you want quality( I cringed when I paid for my Calvin Klein shoes but they still look brand new after all this time.. And dancing!)

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